Need of central ideology

Throughout history there has been no central ideology. There have been various ideologies, all at different levels. However, there has been no connection from the individual to the cosmic levels. They have all had their various agendas.

The nation of America is proud of being a world super power. However, the lives of individual Americans are not all in line with the national goal and direction of America. As individuals, we all have our own philosophies, ideologies and ethnic group ideas. In this modern world there is no unity because there is no center. If there is no center, then like a boat, it will sink.

As an individual you cannot become the center of the universe. It requires a central ideology which is able to represent the individual, family, tribal, national
and world levels.

In this modern world individuals have their own ideas, but at the end of their lives it amounts to nothing. It becomes extinct. The individual level should always be able to expand to the family level. This expands through all the various levels. This is the process of development. This is the way we can form the central vertical line.

Champion for world peace: Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Champion for world peace

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True family - (0 comments)
The three Great subject principles of Heaven - (0 comments)
Earth is our home

True family

Core of true family

The core of true family is the couple

What then are husband and wife? They are the visible bodies of the invisible God. If God is our Father, then He and we are in a parent-child relationship. We are one body because this is a combination of vertical and horizontal internal positions.

The cherished desire of young women and men is to form ideal families - that is true families. "True family"refers to a family that God likes. Since a couple become one through love, their love is to give joy to God.

When they make love in the field of flowers, on waves, on the grass, in the mountain, where birds are singing, and in the midst of a forest, all surroundings will dance and be harmonized with them. Moreover,God's beautiful and brilliant light twirls around them, which we can never imagine with our practical minds.

The three Great subject principles of Heaven

Our mind stands in God’s stead. The mind represents the one being who, as the center of the universe, stands in the position of the true parent, the true teacher, and the true lord.

It exists as the subject of true love. How much has the mind been sacrificed to keep us in order on the earth?  When you have evil houghts your mind protests against you, saying, “Hey, you wretch!"  In the world of the mind, no trials are needed. You know yourself better than anyone else. No third party or witness is necessary.

We cannot stand proudly before our parents; we are ashamed before our teachers, before the rulers of our nation, and we are ashamed before God. Hence we must repent.  If we could entirely possess the three great- subjects , that would be most ideal. But even if we do not, when we stand in the position of true parents, teachers will stand on the right, and lords on the left. Therefore, it would be best if you can stand in one of these positions.

Earth is our home: Heart and Emotions

Human emotions have a big effect on the Earth

Everyone has the freedom to create the feelings and the emotions inside in ourselves. What we don't know is that they come back to us for sure and unexpected.

Being in a state of love
When someone is in a state of love they emit a radiant energy. Only bright rays can travel into Space from Man on the Earth. And only beneficial rays can be reflected from Space back to Earth.

Being in a state of malicious feelings
Under the influence of malicious feelings Man can emit only dark rays. These dark rays cannot rise but must fall into the depths of the Earth. Bouncing off its core, they return to the surface in the form of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, wars etc. The culminating achievement of these dark rays is their direct effect on the Man originating them, invariably exacerbating this Man's own malicious feelings.

Cedar stores cosmic energy
Cedars live to be 550 years old. Day and night their millions of needles catch and store the whole spectrum of bright energy. Cedars receive the energy emanating from Man through Space, store it up and at the right moment give it back. They give it back when there is not enough of it in Space - and, consequently, in Man - or in everything living and growing on the Earth.

Healing energy
The possessor of a small peace of cedar will feel significant improvement in his sense of well-being and will be cured of many diseases. Another main benefit is that anyone having one of these pendants would become kinder, more successful and more talented.

God's guidance in my life

My deepest dream had been for an "ideal world".
As a teenager  I was looking for ideal friends and wanted to live in an ideal environment. My life, especially after the age of 16, was strongly controlled by the spiritual world through dreams, internal feelings, external signs and last, but not least, through books.

The spirit world, being extremely dynamic, was guiding and showing me the right way that I had to go in order to reach some purpose. It meant that my life advanced mainly accordingly with the guidance of the spirit world.

At the age of 16 I received my first revelation from Heaven.
One day in a dream I saw a big heavenly watch, made of clouds in the night sky. The time was 23:55. A voice said to me: "Soon the time will come". After that everything quickly  disappeared.

About a year later the next big watch appeared in the sky, symbolizing the earth and  it was divided into 12 sectors. When I looked at some of the sectors they became alive and started to show to me scenes from the life there, like watching a movie. I began to feel that somehow this heavenly guidance was connected with the Second Coming of the Messiah. I used to hear that term from elderly women in the neighborhood who, after speaking about the problems in their families, usually concluded that soon the Messiah would come and judge the evil people.

How to express myself
From the very beginning the most difficult thing for me was to find the right words to explain to my friends and relatives about the feeling of being touched by God. Adults tended to have a lot of practical experiences in their life and had already developed strong logical thinking. They feel proud and pretend always to be right and don't make any effort to hear new opinions about life and spirit world. In reality very often their way of thinking has nothing to do with God's providential thinking.

A spirit presence
In my twenties I felt a spirit presence within me that always occupied my thinking, and that way I wanted to research and know more about God.

Feel happy if thinking about God
Around that time a very kind woman started to speak to me about God whilst we were waiting for our turn to be called by the doctor in a hospital. Although we didn't know each other, we started to speak so freely and excitedly about God that we soon felt like good friends. She asked for my phone number and that same week she called and invited me to a service at the Adventist church. Because my desire was to deeply understand the Bible, I joyfully agreed and soon became a regularly member of the congregation. I obtained my own Bible and quickly started reading it page by page, even though very often I couldn't understand it clearly. During whatever free time I had, I would only ever read the Bible, because I was searching for answers.

I soon became a very active member of that church. I recall that after the service I often had some questions that I wanted to discuss with the minister. Sometimes that took place in front of the entire congregation and other times in a small group. Very often the minister couldn't answer my questions.
Even though he wanted to provide answers so as to keep up his image in front of the other church members, he was unable to do so and simply said that I'd better not ask things so much but just be more patient and follow the teaching. Such advice was not the answer that I was looking for. Moreover my inner feelings were deeply hurt by his attitude. I left the church service, and because I was crying, I returned home late that evening on foot and went straight to bed. I don't remember how long I had been crying, but in a miraculous way, Jesus came to me in a dream that night and warmly said: "My child, don't worry, this is not my church. Soon I'll show you the sign and you have to follow it".

It was exactly the right answer I'd needed at that moment. I stopped visiting the church externally although internally I felt the members' strong prayer for me to return.

Guided by God to meet
Some three months  later in the lecture room I met a foreigner from Austria who was missionary of God's worldwide providence. According to his testimony, he had been guided by God to enter my lecture room and to meet me there. At that time I'd had quite a lot of revelations from Jesus and felt emotionally connected with him in deep love

Jesus told me about the Messiah
One day when I was reading the chapter about the Second Coming ,the same night I had a dream. Jesus came to me and said:" If you love me so much, please accept Reverend Moon as the new Messiah. I'm working together with him". And with that Jesus automatically transferred the love, the deep feeling and the  loving emotion that I had for him to Reverend Moon.

Ever since that moment, I could feel very deeply in my heart that Rev.Moon is God's son and that he is the Second Coming of the Messiah. Shortly afterwards I started to have dreams about him and since than I've had the chance to see him on several occasions. Very soon I joined the Unification Church.
God is the great Master of the Universe
Where does God exist?

When we know that God truly exists, all problems will be solved.
We have a mind. The mind is invisible and may not appear to exist; yet it exists. Does it exist in the head, or in the heart? Mind exists throughout your body, with not even one cell within your body where it is not present. The same is true for God. Because this world is like His body, He is present everywhere in the world.
You cannot see God. Can you see energy? Since God is the original body of energy, you cannot see God even in the spirit world.

God chose to remain invisible
Since God has no form, He can pass through things without any problem. God may come to your body and pass through it, but you would not notice. When you doze off, God may walk on your body as He pleases without you noticing. How convenient! So it is plausible to say that God chose to remain invisible because He thought that it would be most convenient.

At the same time, He has to be more than big enough to wrap around this huge universe. Although God is without form, He requires a mind that is bigger than this universe.

Love is the source of creation
Although God began the creation of heaven and earth with life, the source of life and the motivation for life is love. The reason life came into being is because of love.
Why did God create heaven and earth.

God needs to love
Although He is the Absolute Being, He cannot feel joy alone. Even if He were placed in a joyful atmosphere, He could not feel the stimulation of joy if He were alone; this is why He created. No matter how much the Absolute Being may say,“I am the Absolute Being, the Master of love and Master of life,” while He is all alone, He cannot feel the stimulation of love.
 In the beginning we naturally  knew about God. If humankind had not fallen, and we had been born through parents of original goodness, there would be no need to argue about whether God exists. People would naturally know from birth. Babies begin sucking as soon as they are born, when they sense their mother’s breast in front of them. Do they need to learn how to suck while in the womb? They automatically know how to do it. If human beings had not fallen, they would naturally recognize and cultivate   relationship with God. But the Fall has made people forget everything. This is why the world is in doubt as to whether God exists. This is a tragic fact.

Crown of the creation
Human beings are the masterpiece among the created beings of the universe.
How great a masterpiece are they? They are superb beyond imagination.
That being the case, when the absolute God created them, should He have created them in such a way that they do not know what He says, sees or feels?

If no Fall we could feel God as our Parent
If Adam and Eve, who resembled God, had become the parents of humankind, they would have recognized God’s constant presence in them through His works. Had that happened, there would
be no doubts about God. If the Fall had not occurred, we would be able to sense God’s presence at any time, and He would appear right away whenever we called Him. If we reach that level, who will deny His existence? No one.

God's internal language
God’s existence is not just a matter of words.  Awareness of this is more important than anything else. The basic rule is that awareness precedes knowledge, not the other way around. When we are cold, we first feel cold before we think, “I am cold.” We do not first think “I am cold” before we feel it. Isn’t that so? Likewise, because God exists, you must be able to feel His existence with your cells. God existed before we had cognition of Him. He rules over all our senses
and over everything, connected with us..

God has a dual characteristics
The Unification Principle teaches that God is the invisible, absolute Lord with dual characteristics in harmony. As a being of dual characteristics, God created Adam and Eve as manifestations of His duality.

Top 10 spirit news

 God reveals Himself

1Creator of Universe and Parent of Humankind

 In the beginning God created the world through the Word.
He created by instilling the Word with His heart, love and lineage.
Human beings are meant to be the embodiments of the Word, they were to inherit absolute faith,
absolute love and absolute obedience.

2. God could not function as God

The first ancestors did not keep God's commandment and fell. As a result they lost the Word.

3. God's liberation is a task for Humankind

God as our Parent of true love immediately initiated His providence of restoration to bring salvation to fallen humanity. He works to re-create the world by sending the Messiah to the earth.

4. True Parents are the Messiah

    Who are the True Parents?

Without the Fall, God would have become the vertical love of Adam and Eve, God's body.
They are like God's body. God is like the bone, and Adam and Eve are like the body.
God and human beings come together in love and, thus, the True Parents who are perfect come into being.
They are our original ancestors, the original people created by God.

5. The Sin means the God's place was taken by another

What happened as a result of the Fall? If we look at the Gospel of John 8:44, Jesus point out
that Satan, the devil, became the father of humankind. Adam and Eve, who should have atended
God as their  father, fell, and as a result they started attending Satan, the devil, as their father.

In this way the first man and woman became Satan's son and daughter.

6. Restoration through indemnity

The purpose of indemnity is to remove the original sin. Fallen human beings cannot resolve
the problem of their lineage by themselves. This is why the Messiah is necessary.

7. Restoration of lineage is the core of the ideology centered on the Messiah

Fallen humankind had a wrong beginning. That is why it has to return to God.
Where should humankind return? - Back to the starting point. Since human beings began from
false parents, they must go back and make a new beginning from the True Parents.
How serious this is!
You must inherit God's love, life and lineage.
Change of lineage must take place in each of the realms of the individual, family, people, nation
and world. The true lineage emerges with the coming of the True Parents.

8. Personal portion of responsibility

Since the Fall was the mistake of human beings, restoration through indemnity must also be carried out by human beings. The fundamental rule is that the one who committed a sin must
indemnify it. Since the first parents became false, unless True Parents come and indemnify
everything, there is no way to go back to God. True Parents are the ones who will resolve all this.

9. How to get out of the realm of Satan?

In order to be completely saved, everyone must cleanse the sins.
You must clear up all the sins you have committed in the past and those you are committing
in the present. In order to clear up your sins, you must do things that do not deviate from
God's truth and His original way.

10. Becoming true son and true daughter of God

All of humankind is supposed to connect to God in heart.
God, the Father, and humankind, the children, are meant to be connected through the realm of
heart. You must live with the feeling in your heart that God is with you, and True Parents are with
you as your own parents. We have now ushered in an era in which we cannot thing that God is
not there, that He is not alive.